Monday, August 11, 2008

Si se puede!

Yes we can! Yes we can make the playoffs. You gots to believe. To have the audacity of hope. Hope that is founded in fact.

FACT: three teams are 3-1 right now and looking good.
FACT: 2 of those teams (Sandals, Grove Red) are the only two teams to ever win the upper division and are the best teams in the league.
FACT: Tim Sr. has a mustache.
FACT: For the first time in Cobra Kai history, Cameron does not lead the team in strikeouts (thank you Arismendi)
FACT: of the 3 other playoff contenders, none of them have won consecutive titles.
FACT: we easily beat one of these teams this season (Grace Community)
FACT: Big Dogs and Sons has "Big Dogs" in their team name, aligning themselves with the clothing line specifically designed for those who proudly admit and embrace their obesity.
FACT: Big Dogs has played 6 games and has 3 losses. Advantage Cobra Kai.
FACT: Big Dogs has the toughest remaining schedule possible (Grove Red, Sandal, 3 in 1, and us)

The facts make it clear: the playoffs are within reach. Easily within reach. So make it a point to stop missing games (Aaron), stop shaving your mustaches, and hope on board the Straight Talk Express!

Win one for the gipper!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Photos

Hey guys I add photos from the last couple of games. I didn't take all that many, considering our innings have been going quite quickly as of late. Want more photos, hit the ball!!!